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Flexing their marketing prowess yet again, the MDIS Open House returns on 13th January 2024, 11am-6pm.
This time, MDIS is welcoming people onboard a flight to success.
Seminars and Talks
Although this part of any open house bores a lot of people, it’s also the most important.
Talks and seminars at university open houses are essential for disseminating key information about academic programs, admission requirements, and campus life to prospective students.
Basically like a trial run before you actually enter the deep end of the pool.
These events also provide opportunities for direct engagement with faculty and staff, and offers networking opportunities so you can get to know other prospective classmates.
MDIS’s lineup of talks for 2024’s open house is stacked.
There are four different types of seminars this time:
MDIS Connects
There is so far one talk organised under this umbrella, which is titled: What’s Next After the Big Os: Where Do I Go from Here?
MDIS Connects typically hosts seminars directly about programmes offered, courses, and potential pathways to take after O levels and other major milestones.
It’s also the only talk where Dr Roland Cheo, Dean of MDIS, directly speaks to parents and prospective students about life at MDIS.
If you’re even remotely interested in studying here, then this is the most important seminar you should attend.
Fireside Chats
Almost like sitting in a kopitiam talking to your uncle or auntie, I guess.
Just a lot more educational.
There are 3 fireside chats this year:
- Sustainable Fashion and Eco-friendly Styles by Ms Alexis Fong, Head, MDIS School of Fashion and Design
- Mental Wellness in a Connected World by Dr Steven Tham, Head, MDIS School of Psychology
- The Modern Engineer, the Modern Businessman: Moderated by Dr Ronnie Teo, Head, MDIS School of Engineering and Technology
Each of them is headed by their respective head of schools, so you can be assured that you’re talking to people who really know their stuff.
These are mini-lectures that give you quite a bit of insight into a lecturer’s specific field of study.
Not only are they free, but you can also go in expecting to learn something new altogether.
Or just bask in the presence of people that know their stuff.
There are 2 masterclasses available this time:
- Future of Life Sciences – Immunology by Dr Ang Swee Kim (Head of School) and Dr Sunesh Keecheril Augustine (Lecturer), MDIS School of Life Science
- CSI-ing a Potential Scam by Dr Ronnie Teo, Head, MDIS School of Engineering and Technology
Sharing Sessions
Sharing sessions are usually done by ex-MDIS students to show prospective students what they can possibly achieve.
And this time, they’ve invited an alumni that not only succeeded, but obtained a PhD in NUS sparked from her journey with MDIS.
From Personal Experience: Can a Private Degree Help Me Achieve My Dreams of Getting a PhD? by Dr Ang Swee Kim (Head), MDIS School of Life Sciences is a talk that shouldn’t be missed if you’re still skeptical about the journey.
Even though we talk about it constantly in our ultimate guide to higher education.
What Else is There at the Open House?
In addition to the cornerstone seminars above, there are also many, many other free workshops and lab tours that they’re hosting.
In fact, we’ve counted more than 20 events happening throughout the day, held by all the different faculties and departments within MDIS.
You can look at the full timetable of events on their website.
In addition, there will be lucky draws where participants can potentially win tablets, earphones and many more, alongside sure win prizes.
No one goes home empty-handed.
Course Rebates
Apart from lucky draws, people can also enjoy course fee rebates if they sign up during the open house:
- Diploma Courses: up to $800
- Bachelor’s Degree: up to $2000 (1st year), up to $1500 (2nd year), up to $1000 (3rd year)
- Masters: up to $2000
- Doctorates: up to $2700
Terms and conditions apply. You can read the full terms here.
Final Thoughts
So, should you go for the MDIS Open House?
The short answer is yes.
To be fair, we say that about every open house, but this is especially true for MDIS for 2 big reasons.
The first is that this is one of the most stacked open houses we’ve seen, where there are events happening with every faculty throughout the whole day.
The second is that the events actually add a lot of value for prospective students – not only are there tours of the teaching facilities, but there are chances to experience class life throughout the day in different settings.
You don’t usually see that in a one-day open house.
So if you’re interested in learning about what MDIS has to offer, going to the open house doesn’t seem like a bad idea.
Keep levelling up!