DIPLOMA IN ART TEACHING (University of the Arts Singapore)
Course Information
Course overview
Equip yourself to teach art to others and help these artists-in-training nurture their artistic skills, with a Diploma in Art Teaching. This comprehensive programme offers you all you need to know about teaching art in both fine art and design, by integrating studio work, pedagogy and the key processes of art teaching.
As a student-teacher, you will be given opportunities to apply your knowledge of arts and pedagogy in practice, as you refine your own artistic and intellectual development in your journey to become an innovative art educator to the next generation.
Our students have several exciting paths open to them: some of our graduates become workshop facilitators in schools and art programmes, others become teaching assistants, artists, or take on a plethora of creative roles.
For graduates who wish to further their career as an art teacher, you can opt to pursue a Diploma in Art Education at the National Institute of Education (NIE) at Nanyang Technological University to acquire further skills in classroom management and teaching strategies. With this, you may apply to be a Ministry of Education (MOE) teacher, and may even be eligible for a scholarship or sponsorship. Find out more about this here.
Understand Art from the Perspective of a Teacher
Gain a multi-dimensional perspective and comprehensive understanding of art education in the core disciplines of fine art and design by integrating studio practices with lessons on the key processes of art teaching and pedagogy.
Gain Opportunities for Teaching Practice
Equip yourself for the real world by applying the knowledge and art skills you have gained during actual teaching practice.
Deepen Your Knowledge of Art
Develop yourself as an art facilitator or studio designer and learn the creative skills and theory for yourself, before you impart them to students.
Entry Requirements
Find out about the specific entry requirements that apply to you.
NAFA hopes to attract applicants with the potential to become excellent arts practitioners. Applicants are selected by merit, based on the following criteria:
- Potential in Artistic Talent and Creativity
- Educational Qualification
- Language Proficiency
- Special Factor
Selection is competitive and is subject to the availability of places. However, the Academy may give consideration to talented applicants who excel in Artistic Talent and Creativity, but have not fully met the education qualification stated.
Potential in Artistic Talent and Creativity
All applicants are to demonstrate their artistic potential through portfolio submission/admission test/audition as specified in each programme, in order to be considered for admission.
Applicants may select either (A) Portfolio Submission or (B) Admission Test.
(A) Portfolio Submission
You are to submit 10-15 images of recent art or design work, which should include a range of finished artwork as well as development work in preparing the finished artwork (sketches, mood boards, etc). Portfolios are assessed with the aim of identifying your creative and technical potential to undertake a programme in art and design.
(Allowed file types: .pdf,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif,.tif,.tiff,.bmp. Maximum image file size: 5 MB)
(Allowed video file types: .mpeg,.mp4,.mov,.m4v,.avi,.wmv,.flv,.asf,.mpg,.mp3. Maximum image file size: 200 MB)
The work submitted should preferably be not more than two years old. It may be the result of assigned class projects or independent exploration. It is recommended that the selected examples of work reflect your interests, experience and competencies in art and design.
While compiling the contents of the portfolio, you may concentrate on a single medium or show work in a breadth of media. The portfolio may include, but is not limited to the following: drawing, prints, photography, painting, film, video, animation, sculpture, ceramics, digital work, etc.
You are also expected to write a statement of intent - in about 100 words - stating your reasons for pursuing a programme of study in art and design. Please include your goals, interests and aspirations for the future.
Submit Portfolio and All Required Application Documents by
- 9 October 2023
- 30 October 2023
- 20 November 2023
- 11 December 2023
Note: You will be notified of the outcome of your application 4 to 6 weeks after your portfolio interview or audition. Some application outcomes may take longer than expected.
(B) Admission Test
The test consists of three sections:
- Drawing from observation - where you will be tested on your ability to draw an actual object or a scene in front of you
- Creative visualization - where you will be tested on your creativity and imagination to visualise an object or a scene
- Written essay - where you will be tested on your ability to write and express your views on art and design
(Test Duration: 2.5 hours)
Admission Test Date
- 24 January 2024
- 28 March 2024
- 30 May 2024
Note: You will be notified of the outcome of your application 4 to 6 weeks after your portfolio interview or audition. Some application outcomes may take longer than expected.
Please note that you will be notified of the confirmed admission test date upon submission of your application, all supporting documents and application fee payment.
Educational Qualifications - Singapore
Minimum Educational Qualifications Required
- Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level: At least 5 GCE ‘O’ Level credits, or its equivalent, including English as a First Language
- Good grades in Art at the GCE ‘O’ Level. Applicants who have external Art qualifications and Art portfolio are welcomed to apply
- Pass admission test or portfolio submission
- Selected applicants may be asked to attend an in-person or online interview
- Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level: Aggregate score of 25 points or better in 4 GCE ‘O’ Level subjects, excluding English.
Applicants who are active in their Secondary Schools’ Co-curricular Activities (CCA) may gain up to 2 bonus points. The CCA points can be used to improve their aggregate score for admission consideration.
Types of bonus points No. of bonus points awarded
Grades of A1–A2 2 points
Grades of B3–C6 1 point
- Singapore Integrated Programme: Successful completion of Year 4 or higher.
- School of The Arts (SOTA): Successful completion of Year 4 or higher.
- Institute of Technical Education (ITE): Full-time Higher Nitec or Nitec.
Educational Qualifications - International
Successful completion of at least 10 years of education.
Eligible international students will be able to use their mid-year examination results to apply for diploma programmes at NAFA. Applicants will be given conditional offer if they are successful in their portfolio interview/audition selection. Applicants are still required to submit their year-end examination results and meet the admission requirements of the respective programmes. Any applicant who does not meet the admission requirements will have his/her conditional offer revoked.
The minimum English Language proficiency requirement:
- Grade C6 at GCE ‘O’ Levels
- TOEFL iBT 50
- TOEFL 500
- IELTS Academic Band 5
- SAT score of 480 (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing component)
- Duolingo score of 75
- Qualifications equivalent to any of the above
Special Factor
Recognition is accorded for prior achievements in areas relevant to intended studies.
Career Opportunities
Information not available.
The following programme modules are applicable to students enrolled in August 2021 and after. NAFA students enrolled in AY2020/2021 and earlier are to refer to the Diploma Programme and Module Information Booklet on the StudentNet for the programme modules in your respective years of enrolment.
- Drawing Fundamentals
- 2D Fundamentals
- 3D Fundamentals
- Creative Thinking
- Introduction to Visual Arts
- General Studies 1
- General Studies 2
- Contextual and Theoretical Studies 1
- Art Making Through Drama
- Understanding Visual Literacy
- Art and Design Studio 1
- Contextual and Theoretical Studies 2
- Art and Design Studio 2
- Visual Representation & Expression I: Issues in Two- Dimensional Praxis
- Contextual and Theoretical Studies 3
- Art and Design Studio 3
- Visual Representation & Expression II: Issues in Three- Dimensional Praxis
- Art and Design Studio: Final Project
- Overseas Immersion
- Internship
- Industrial Attachment
- Industry Project
- Community Project
- Visual Representation & Expression III: Issues in New Media Praxis
- Visual Arts Education in Museums and Galleries
- Gemmology*
- Metalsmithing*
- Introduction to Furniture Design*
- Introduction to Interior Design*
- Introduction to Rapid Prototyping*
- Design and Brand Strategy*
- Digital Photography and Publication*
- Packaging Design*
- Social Media Literacy In Arts*
- History of Asian Costume*
- Costume Design*
- Textile Design and Innovation 1*
- Textile Design and Innovation 2*
- Arts Management Fundamentals*
- Introduction to Arts Marketing*
- Instrumental Studies: Guitar*
- Instrumental Studies: Gamelan*
- Speech Presentations*
- Business Communication*
- Entrepreneurship in the Arts*
- Starting Your Own Business*
- Singapore Arts Scene*
- Interdisciplinary Project 2A*
- Interdisciplinary Project 2B*
- Interdisciplinary Project 3A*
- Interdisciplinary Project 3B*