Course Information

Course Type
Fees (Local Students)
$S 17,170.00
Fees (Foreign Students)
$S 17,170.00
Other Fees
Contact school for more information
24 months
Intake Months
Contact school for more information.
Programme Grant
No student grant for this course.
Class Schedule
Contact school for more information.
Assessment Method
Work Projects, Oral Questions, Written Questions, Third Party Statements, Observation Checklists, Workplace Performance


Course Overview

This popular Australian course is now being delivered in Singapore.

The Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management offers exceptional learning experiences for participants dedicated to a successful career in hospitality management. Setting you up for management roles in the future across a range of venues and companies, you will develop the unique skill set required for delivering exceptional hospitality.

The course will give you a broad understanding of hospitality and allow you to explore theoretical concepts to support your hospitality expertise. You'll develop key skills in business planning, management, finance, human resources and marketing to open a wide variety of employment opportunities.

A six month paid work placement gives you invaluable industry experience and consolidates theory and practice to help produce the restaurant owners, business entrepreneurs, tourism specialists, hotel managers, event coordinators and industry leaders of tomorrow.

Entry Requirements


  • Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, International Students and Long Term Pass Holders are eligible to apply for the Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management.

Entry Requirement

Singaporeans & PRs:

  • Singapore GCE O level or equivalent with minimum of 3 passes (C6 and above) in English, Mathematics and one other or equivalent.Minimum C6 in O level English or equivalent.

International Students:

  • Successfully completed Secondary or High School education that is equivalent to Singapore GCE O Level with satisfactory results and attendance.
  • Other qualifications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must be of age 17 and above.
  • If you have not completed your secondary studies, you need to be at least 21 years of age with demonstrated capacity to meet course requirements and relevant work experience.

Career Opportunities

Information not available.



SITXCCS008Develop and manage quality customer service practices
BDBRES401Analyse and present research information
SITXHRM003Lead and manage people
SITXHRM006Monitor staff performance
BSBRSK501Manage Risk
BSBDIV501Manage diversity in the workplace
BSBFIM601Manage finances
BSBMGT517Manage operational plan
BSBMGT608Manage innovation and continuous improvement
BSBMGT617Develop and implement a business plan
SITEEVT005Plan in-house events or functions
SITHACS002Provide housekeeping services to guests
SITHACS005Provide porter services
SITHACS008Provide accommodation reception services
SITHFAB002Provide responsible service of alcohol
SITHFAB003Operate a bar
SITHFAB007Serve food and beverage
SITTTSL005Sell tourism products and services
SITTTSL007Process reservations
SITXCCS007Enhance customer service experiences
SITXCOM005Manage conflict
SITXFIN003Manage finances within a budget
SITXFIN004Prepare and monitor budgets
SITXFIN005Manage physical assets
SITXFSA001Use hygienic practices for food safety
SITXGLC001Research and comply with regulatory requirements
SITXHRM002Roster Staff
SITXHRM004Recruit, select and induct staff
SITXMGT001Monitor work operations
SITXMGT002Establish and conduct business relationships
SITXMPR007Develop and implement marketing strategies
SITXWHS004Establish and maintain a work health and safety system


SITHIND004Work effectively in hospitality service


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